Get the Bot

First click the link here to add OpenPOTD to your server.

From here you need to ensure you have a few things set up:

Server Setup

  1. Have a role for the bot which can manage roles, and ensure this role is higher than any other roles it will be managing (i.e. it needs to be able to manage users and roles).
  2. Have a role for the bot to ping (i.e. the role the bot pings to inform those users a new question has been posted). By default the bot looks for @*-of-the-day.
  3. Have a role for people who have succesfully solved the QOTD. By default the bot looks for @*-solved.
  4. Have a channel for posting the QOTD. Ensure the bot has permissions to post in said channel. By default the bot looks for #*-of-the-day.
  5. Have 3 roles set up, for bronze, silver, and gold medalists.

Bot Setup

Now that the your server is all set up, type in %init. The bot will look for the aforementioned settings, and if it doesn’t find anything you will have to manually set them in the way you will set up other commands below. The general form is %[setting] [arguments].

The first command you should run is %config. You will get an infobox as such (but with some or all of the fields not filled in):

My helpful screenshot

This command should be used periodically to ensure that any settings you apply are indeed being set.

You can now set the command prefix with %command_prefix BROKEN. From here on this shall be assumed to be unchanged.

If you now a good time to set up medal roles. Run the command %medal_roles @[bronze role] @[silver role] @[gold role]. You now should have a minimal working configuration of OpenPOTD. However, there are some further commands which you can view by entering %help:

  1. %check: By running %check [question number or date] [your answer to question] the bot will check to see if you have solved it correctly.
  2. %fetch: Running %fetch [question number or date] posts the appropriate question in the channel in which the command is called.
  4. %manual: DEPRECIATE
  5. %nick: Running %nick [new nickname]
  6. %rank: Run %rank [season number] to get that season’s rankings
  7. %score: Run %score [season number] to get that season’s scores
  8. %self: Running %self gives information on yourself in regards to OpenPOTD
  9. %toggle_anon: Toggles your anonymous field in the OpenPOTD database

If at the start the bot didn’t auto-set the ping and solver roles, you can run them with %ping_role @[ping role name] and %solved_role @[solver role name]. Run %config at the end; all the fields should be filled in.

You can also change any of these commands at any time, or run %help [command] to get example usage. If you have further questions feel free to join the development discord server, which you can find here, or on the main menu for the site.